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Working With A USPTO Registered Patent Attorney Florida

Posted by Barry Choobin | Jul 23, 2021 | 0 Comments

There are several critical elements to understand when working with expert USPTO registered patent attorney Florida. Cities like Miami, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville are hubs for innovation. Here, novel inventors need to conduct patent research, file applications, and prosecute intellectual property. As an inventor yourself, working with a knowledgeable USPTO patent attorney will help you access expert legal advice, process knowledge, and execution. This way, you can deal with intellectual property complexity and maintain peace of mind. Read on to learn about working with a USPTO registered patent attorney Florida.

Who Needs A Patent Attorney?

First and foremost, determine if you truly need a USPTO registered patent attorney. Certified patent attorneys are known to service several different types of clients. After all, novel inventors come from all sorts of different career paths and walks-of-life. Commonly, attorneys work with medical professionals, information technology (IT) enterprise, and entrepreneurs. Simultaneously, you may need patent services as a small business, restaurant, or retail shop owner. In fact, many eligible patent applicants are members of Fortune 500 companies or government agencies. Certainly, learn about who needs a USPTO registered patent attorney Florida.

What Services Are Available?

After discovering your need for a USPTO registered patent attorney FL, find out what services are available. Patent law firms offer a broad range of available services. Before you file, you may be interested in patent research, application drafting, and analytics solutions. In addition, you may want to obtain an expert patent search report, which will help you prevent costly financial expenditures on unprotectable inventions. Then, you may be interested in patent acquisition, prosecution, and enforcement options. After the fact, you may require assistance with patent licensing, as well as writing cease and desist letters to infringing competitors. Surely, finding out about the available services is important to start working with a USPTO registered patent attorney Florida.

How Much Will It Cost?

Now, you are ready to find out about the costs of working with a patent attorney in Florida. Ultimately, prices will depend on your attorney, services required, and application type. If you are only seeking a patent search report, for example, you should expect to pay approximately $199 to $299. For a provisional patent, on the other hand, fees will be around $225, after a $75 government filing fee. More expensive applications, such as design and utility patents, provide a wide array of benefits to inventors. For instance, you can legally prohibit others from manufacturing, selling, distributing, or profiting from your idea without explicit permission. Indeed, find out how much services will cost when filing with a USPTO registered patent attorney Florida.

How Much Time Do I Have To Wait?

At this point, it is time to find out how long it will take for your patent attorney Florida to receive your application. On average it takes roughly two years to go from idea formulation to patent approval. Of course, many experienced agents offer prioritized examination, preparation, and submission services. During this period, the USPTO will thoroughly review and determine whether to grant or reject your application. If your application is rejected, your Florida patent attorney will help you navigate office action responses. This way, you can request another review, and improve your chances of patentability. Absolutely, it is key to learn how much time your patent attorney FL will take to obtain your application.

How Long Is It Enforceable?

After submitting an application with an attorney, you may be wondering how long your patent will last. Of course, this depends on the type of patent that you filed originally. If you filed a provisional patent, your application will expire after one year. During this 12 month pendency, you will be able to label your product as “Patent Pending.” Design patents, on the other hand, are granted for a 14 or 15 year period, depending on your filing date. If you have a utility, or non-provisional patent, you will have full rights for 20 years. Knowing this information, you can strategically plan for how to maximize the value of your intellectual property.

There are several elements to understand when working with a USPTO registered and certified FL patent attorney. First off, learn who needs a patent attorney. After assessing your need for an attorney, find out about what services are available. Now, you are ready to learn more about the approximate drafting, filing, and prosecution costs. Afterwards, you may be wondering about how long your application will last. At this point, find out about how long you will have to wait. Follow the points highlighted above to learn about working with a USPTO registered patent attorney Florida.

About the Author

Barry Choobin

Barry Choobin with Jonathan W. Dudas. Jonathan W. Dudas served as Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office until January 18, 2009. Barry Choobin is Chief Executive Officer at Patent 360 LLC. Applying his business and tech...


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