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How To Quickly Protect My Invention From Theft Or Infringement

Posted by Barry Choobin | Mar 26, 2021 | 0 Comments

There are several important steps to quickly protect your invention from theft or infringement. Once you have developed a potentially marketable and profitable invention, you immediately need to begin thinking about ways to protect it. Afterall, the longer you wait, the more likely it is that your idea will be stolen or copied. Fortunately, there are numerous solutions to help you quickly secure your original invention from theft, infringement, or replication. To help you get started, read on to learn about how to quickly protect my invention from theft or infringement.

Choose A Suitable Form Of Intellectual Property

First and foremost, you will need to choose a suitable form of intellectual property. The two most common forms of intellectual property are trademarks and patents. Patents function as a limited duration property right for novel, original, and non-obvious inventions. Therefore, they are likely the most appropriate form of IP protection to secure your idea. Trademarks, on the other hand, are commonly reserved for commercial names, logos, phrases, and other intangible creative works. Certainly, choosing the most suitable form of intellectual property is a key step to protect your invention from theft or infringement.

Hire A USPTO Registered IP Professional

Next, hire a licensed intellectual property professional to help you protect your invention from theft. If you plan on filing a patent to protect for your invention, you should consider working with an agent who is registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Working with a USPTO patent drafting agent, you can access the process knowledge, expertise, and execution strategies required to protect your invention. This way, you can effectively increase your chances of securing patent rights on your novel idea. Surely, hiring a trusted IP professional is essential to protect your invention from being stolen.

Obtain A Patent Search Report

With the help of your trusted agent, you can now obtain an expert patent search report. A patentability search refers to an examination of existing patents, as well as other publicly-available works and documents. Through this process, you can effectively understand the most similar things to your invention. Generally speaking, this is one of the first steps in the patent prosecution process. Of course, this helps you guarantee the availability of your invention, expose similar ideas, and obtain a sense of peace of mind. Indeed, working with an expert patent search service is incredibly important to protect your invention from theft.

File A Provisional Patent

Now, it is time to file a provisional patent to protect your novel invention. A provisional patent is best described as an early application. Essentially, it allows for IP filing without a formal patent claim. These applications provide you a twelve-month, “Patent Pending” status, during which you can assess the commercial viability of your invention and take advantage of confidentiality. Filing this application, you can establish an official USPTO filing date, extend your patent protection term, and leverage a faster preliminary process. Absolutely, filing a provisional patent is a fundamental step to protect your invention from theft or infringement.

Get A Full Non Provisional Patent

At this point, you are ready to get a full, utility non-provisional patent to maximize your invention protection. Non-provisional patents are the most traditional, commonly referred to form of intellectual property protection. Principally, these specialized applications provide you full patent rights, extending up to twenty years. Filing this type of application, you can legally prohibit others from manufacturing, distributing, importing, or copying your invention. On the other hand, you can always choose to license your patent out for profits. Definitely, non provisional patent filing is an important step to protect your valuable idea or invention from theft.

There are several important steps to quickly protect your invention from theft or infringement. First off, choose a suitable form of intellectual property to safeguard your idea. Once you have done so, hire a trusted USPTO IP professional, such as a patent agent. Next, obtain an expert patent search report to identify any prior arts similar to yours. Then, file a provisional patent to secure a one-year, “Patent Pending” status. Now, you are ready to get a full utility, non-provisional patent, which will provide you IP rights extending up to twenty years. Follow the steps highlighted above to quickly protect my invention from theft or infringement.

About the Author

Barry Choobin

Barry Choobin with Jonathan W. Dudas. Jonathan W. Dudas served as Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office until January 18, 2009. Barry Choobin is Chief Executive Officer at Patent 360 LLC. Applying his business and tech...


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