Patent Search Report


A patent search report provides you a comprehensive list of all existing and pending patents that are similar to yours. Of course, this can give you a better understanding of whether or not your invention truly is novel, useful, and non-obvious. This way, you can accurately determine if your patent will infringe on the rights of any previous prior arts. Simultaneously, a professional patent search provides insight into the scope of intellectual property protection needed to safeguard your novel invention.

Standard Advanced Comprehensive
Search Field: $199 $249 $399
US issued & pending patents
European issued & pending patents
Most international patents within the last 30 years

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A patent search report provides you a comprehensive list of all existing and pending patents that are similar to yours. Of course, this can give you a better understanding of whether or not your invention truly is novel, useful, and non-obvious. This way, you can accurately determine if your patent will infringe on the rights of any previous prior arts. Simultaneously, a professional patent search provides insight into the scope of intellectual property protection needed to safeguard your novel invention.

To get your patent search report, fill out the options below and upload your invention files below. In addition, here’s a non-disclosure (NDA) agreement. Click here to sign the NDA, then send back with your payment.

Standard Advanced Comprehensive
Search Field: $199 $249 $399
US issued & pending patents
European issued & pending patents
Most international patents within the last 30 years
Report Type

Standard, Advanced, Comprehensive

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