There is a comprehensive process to get a patent search for novel inventions. The initial prior art search evaluates whether an invention is truly new, novel, and non-obvious. The best patent attorney Los Angeles performs this novelty search to look for similar inventions, applications, and other technical documents. As an inventor yourself, these services can increase your likelihood of USPTO approval later on. Read on to learn about getting a patent search for novel inventions.
Hire A Professional Patent Search Firm
First, hire a professional patent lawyer or filing firm to get an IP search report. Professional patent attorneys meticulously navigate existing intellectual property databases to uncover similar inventions and ideas. Their professional experience, process knowledge, and training help ensure you are not infringing on existing inventions. After your search is completed, you can work with your chosen attorney throughout the entire patent filing process. These experienced lawyers know how to draft, file, and prosecute patent applications with the USPTO – while avoiding common mistakes and errors. Definitely, hire a professional patent filing firm to obtain an advanced novelty search for your invention.
Clearly Describe & Define Your Invention
Next, clearly describe and define your novel invention to secure a comprehensive patent search. Write a brief description of your invention – including the purpose, physical composition, and functionality. Mention the associated technical terms to describe your product's nature as well. Refer to a technical dictionary to find terms that best describe your invention. And of course, feel free to consult with your attorney for help, guidance, and suggestions during the process. All this information helps your attorney navigate USPTO databases and similar prior art references faster. Definitely, describe and define your invention to get a patent search report.
Define Patent Searching Goals
Now, define your intellectual property goals for the patent search process. Set clear goals to validate your invention's uniqueness and originality. Of course, you can work with your attorney to set smart and measurable goals before the prior art search begins. Based on your established goals, attorneys can review comparable IP and non-patent documents to ensure the product is indeed novel. This way, you can refine your unique selling proposition (USP) before moving forward with application filing. Definitely, set clear, specific, and attainable goals for the patent search process.
Review Similar Prior Art References
Next, work with your patent search attorney to review similar prior art references. After the initial prior art search, your attorney will prepare a detailed listing of potentially comparable patented inventions. This listing highlights different references and the associated citation information. Specifically, the patent number, publication date, and other relevant details. Your attorney may also include non-patent documents – like scientific articles, reports, and technical literature. All these documents help you evaluate potential filing impact, as well as overall industry competitiveness. Indeed, work with a prior art search firm to help review similar patented references.
Evaluate & Discuss The Results
At this point, it is time to evaluate and discuss patent search results with your attorney. Analyze search results to decide if your invention requires any significant changes or modifications. If similar inventions exist, your attorney may suggest subtle alterations to highlight your product's unique qualities and characteristics. You can also discuss other inventive product features that haven't yet been disclosed. Additionally, your lawyer will provide valuable insight into your freedom-to-operate status. Definitely, evaluate and discuss patent search results with a USPTO-certified attorney.
There are a few necessary steps to get a patent search for novel inventions. First, partner with global patent search services for an extensive prior art report. Define your patent search invention clearly in a brief description. You should also work with your attorney to outline your patent search goals and expectations. Next, your patent search lawyer will prepare a listing with prior art references. Navigate this listing to evaluate similar inventions and their impact on your product. Finally, evaluate and discuss the patent search results with the attorney for legal suggestions to make your product unique. Follow the points above for a detailed process to get a patent search for novel inventions.
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