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When Do You Need A Bay Area Patent Company?

Posted by Barry Choobin | Oct 13, 2020 | 0 Comments

To securely protect your invention, it is commonly recommended to work alongside a registered Bay Area patent company. With the ability to protect any novel product, design, or process, obtaining a patent is imperative to safeguard your creative idea. By working alongside a patent company, you can substantially increase sales, profits, and prices for your products. Of course, you can additionally level the playing field to prohibit large companies from competing with you. In fact, many inventors who have obtained a patent have even been able to gain a competitive advantage for their brand. Read on to learn about when you need a Bay Area patent company.

When You Have Invented A New Product

When you have invented a new product, it is imperative to work alongside a patent filing services in California. If you have invented a new or unique process, machine, composition, or article of manufacture, you need to apply for a patent. In fact, you can even obtain a patent for a useful improvement on any new invention. If you have recently invented a new, creative, novel product, work alongside a Bay Area patent company to simplify the filing process.

If Your Invention Is In High-Tech Industries

If your novel invention or idea is in high-tech industries like medical, engineering, or automotive, you should work with a Bay Area CA patent company. These slow-innovation industries require a lot of technical knowledge. Of course, whenever the opportunities are large, so is the encountered level of risk. Therefore, obtaining intellectual property protection is imperative to protect your capital and novel idea. Fortunately, patent agents possess the industry knowledge and experience to help you avoid any pitfalls throughout the California patent prosecution process.

You Are Unsure Of Your Invention's Patentability

If you are unsure of your invention's patentability, work alongside a patent company California's Bay Area to secure your IP protection rights. Experienced patent companies can help you ensure that your invention meets the required criteria for novelty, industrial applicability, and inventive solutions. Of course, this can help you quickly and accurately determine your patent eligibility. This way, you do not waste time and money applying for a patent that you are not eligible for. If you are unsure of your invention's eligibility for a patent, contact your local Bay Area patent company.

To Secure Your Novel Design

Bay Area patent companies are an excellent resource to help you secure IP protection rights for your novel design. If you have recently invented a nonfunctional, new, and nonobvious ornamental design, it is crucial to obtain a patent. However, the process to draft, file, and negotiate a design patent is incredibly complex. Therefore, working with a Silicon Valley patent attorney is vital to help you simplify the process, and quickly obtain your IP protection. If you have recently invented a new, nonobvious design, work alongside a patent company in the Bay Area to secure IP protection rights.

There Are Numerous Competitors In Your Industry

If your industry is saturated with potential competitors, it is imperative to work with a Bay Area California patent company. To evaluate your industry competition, be sure to conduct through market research. Evaluate the size, leaders and biggest potential threats. If you believe your novel invention could easily be stolen by competitors, contact a California patent attorney immediately. These professionals can help you quickly secure rights to prohibit others from manufacturing, distributing, or profiting from your novel idea.

There are several reasons why you may need to work with a Bay Area California patent company. First, it is imperative to work alongside a patent company when you have just recently invented a new product. In addition, you should contact a Bay Area patent professional if you are unsure of your invention's patentability. At the same time, you may need a patent professional if your novel invention or idea is in high-tech industries like medical, engineering, or automotive. Moreover, patent professionals can help you secure IP protection rights for your novel design. Furthermore, be sure to conduct through market research to determine the size and relevant competitors in your industry. Follow the points highlighted above to learn about when you need a Bay Area patent company.

About the Author

Barry Choobin

Barry Choobin with Jonathan W. Dudas. Jonathan W. Dudas served as Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office until January 18, 2009. Barry Choobin is Chief Executive Officer at Patent 360 LLC. Applying his business and tech...


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